• We provide solutions to improve the survival experience during a flood.

    6 Days of Rain

    1 Year's worth of water

  • During flood relief

    "Evacuating as frequent as floods is impractical and unproductive"

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    Floods have increased in severity

    In the Penang flood recently on November 2017, four people were killed in their sleep

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    Floods have increased in their frequency

    Flood disasters have more than doubled across Europe in 35 years

  • Insights

    What have we found out from flood victim?

    Insight 1

    "No choice as floods last 1-3 weeks... or we starve"

    -Schooling teenager

    Flood victims know that staying indoors is safest due to high water levels, but have to venture outside for resupplies and other necessities

    Insight 2

    "Often rely on wealthier neighbors... to ferry things by boat"

    -Relief worker, Global Ehsan Relief

    Flood victims realize that owning a boat is extremely useful but are reluctant to do so due to high cost and white elephant storage

    Insight 3

    Current solutions focus on pre and post flood mitigation but victims prefer a user-centric product for more immediate applications

  • Wheel Boat Row

    The solution that every flood victim craves


    During the flood, the user can use it to move around during a flood. It shall be able to accommodate one child and one adult complete with a lock-box for documents and personal items


    Can be used as a wheelbarrow for recovery and productivity before and after flood

    Swiss Army Shovel

    Can be used for navigation in water during floods as well as clear up dirt after the flood.

    Survival kit

    Rope & bone tool, solar powered radio/charger, compass and other tools to improve survivability

  • Current Progress and Future Work

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    Analytical model

    Have developed an initial computer aided model of our Wheel-Boat-Row for simulating a meta-centric analysis of the product.

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    Correspondence with National Governmental Organisations

    Have conversed with NGOs to assess the feasibility and release of our product

    Physical prototype in progress

    Discussed the design and feasibility of our product with various experts for our prototype

  • About Us

    Edmund Kee

    Director and Product Innovator

    -Research experience in hydrology

    -Experienced in leading community-based innovations and social projects

    -Singapore representative for James Dyson International 2017

    Louth Bin Rawshan

    Technical expert and implementer

    -Represented Singapore for National Olympiads

    -Solidworks and other CAD expertise

    -College Undergraduate at 15

  • Contact Us

    If you are interested in our project, please do contact us

    8 Somapah Road, Singapore University of Technology and design